The Benefits of Playing Music Help Your Brain More Than Any Other Activity
Brain training is big business. Companies like BrainHQ, Luminosity, and Cogmed are part of a multimillion-dollar business that is...

BAND CAMP 13-15 July, 2016.
Band Camp Wednesday, 13th to Friday, 15th July, 2016 Naamaroo Conference Centre Lady Game Dr, Chatswood NSW 2067 Total cost is $379.00...

"The child’s brain responds powerfully to music ... enhancing all other learning." Richard
Your children are being discriminated against if they are not receiving a well-planned and properly taught music program at school. They...

“Children need art and stories and poems and music as much as they need love and food and fresh air
#Bennelongmusic #musicteaching #musictuition

Big Band Blast
Gavin and Jade have gone to the Big Band Blast in a Port MacQuarie for a reconnaissance visit... or to play a Twin-Set gig... Love those...

Gavin & YouTube
GAV & YouTube Gav's doing some background duties for the next month including making YouTube videos, organising concerts and drumming up...

Killara PS
Killara Public School joins with Bennelong Music to benefit students! This term Bennelong Music will begin teaching at Killara Public...

April 1st No joke!
1st April 2016: Celebrate with Bennelong Music at Son et Lumiere 125 Years! 5:30 Holy Cross College Band 5:45 Our Lady Queen of Peace...

EOY Concert!
Bennelongs big band just have completed their end of year concert at Putney Public School. With 23 students all together playing a range...